Valued Customer Price Change Notice. Click For Details.


Do you paint any of your bollards?

We do not offer painting options of any kind. However, if you are looking to paint your bollards, please note that Galvanized posts have a coating that makes them difficult to paint. If you would like to paint your posts, we recommend that you choose black steel posts.

What is the wall thickness of your posts?

The wall of all of our posts is 1/4".

Do you install posts?

We do not offer any installations.

How many sets of tape should I order?

One set of tape is enough for one bollard.


Do you have a list of part numbers?

No. If you need a specific part number from the PG&E handbook or another source, you can use the search function at the top right of the website to search by part number. If we have it, it will pop up for you to purchase.

Do you deliver?

We use FedEx LTL Freight for all of our bollard orders and UPS for cap/tap orders. Alternatively, you may request to provide your own shipping service or hold for pickup.

Do you cut different lengths?

We carry 4", 6" or 8" posts in a variety of lengths and standards. In addition, we can cut any length that you need.

Do you offer will call options?

We do offer will call pick up options. Our yard is open for will call from 9:00 am - 4:00 pm. Will call is closed for lunch 12pm-1pm. Please wait until you receive a date/time from the Postman office for will call Orders

Do you offer in-store purchase?

No. It's essential that you place your order either on our website or over the phone since we might not have what you are looking for in stock.

